Posts & anchors
Anchor point or lifeline support
Small horizontal movements (-3m)
Horizontal continuous movement
Horizontal movement
The patented ALTIFIX energy-absorbing bending posts are unique on the market and have been approved in accordance with the requirements of the EN795 standard, classes C and A.
ALTIFIX securing points can be used to support the cable pilot in a course and as a separate securing point.
Equipped with an activation mechanism (trigger system), the ALTIFIX allows to decrease the load generated on the fixings and the roofing elements. The securing points are easy to install on all kinds of roof structures from above.
European standards
The Altifix range complies with the following standards
Personal fall protection equipment - Type A refers to anchor points alone. |
Personal fall protection equipment - Type C refers to horizontal flexible systems such as cable lifelines, where the inclination does not go over 15°. |
Technical specification "Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices - Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously |
High adaptability
Designed for all types of configurations and roofing deck profiles
Can be used as anchor points and lifeline or rail support
Long-lasting lifespan
Corrosion resistant, entirely made of stainless steel
The releasing tube can be replaced without damaging the waterproofing membrane